An EPIC couple of days...

Well where to begin. I have thought of many things whilst on the bike
to inclde n my blog but whilst I lie here in my tent everything
escapes me!

Day One was classisfied by Christoph Sauser as the toughest Epic day
he has ever done. Least we were both on the same page there! The main
differene is that he did not spend 10hrs in the sadddle. What a day.
Hills hills and just before we all thought we were coming home some
huge hills! in an exceptionally hot day with our on te bike temp
reaching 46 degrees. All in all it was pure hell. But our team managed
well and by nightfall we were feeling quite good.

Day 2 was always going to be an easier day by all accounts. And it
turned out to be a really good day on the bike. A day characterised by
sand and shorter steep climbs. We manageed to come home in abot 7:45.

Whilst I lie here in the village I am very tired after hard days.
Bodyfatigue is starting to play a major role. But tomorrow is another
day. Our race formula seems to be working so we will keep to it! That
is all for now - going to try and have a short nap before dinner.
Tomorrow is rumoured to be a beast of a day and truthfully I am not
looking forward to it so will need to get my head around it.

My initial takeout of this event - it certainly lives up to its credentials!

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  1. I kept on checking the Epic website and when I saw your team's name pop up on the results screen I got all emotional. I know what it is like to spend that long in the saddle and it must feel fantastic knowing that you survived the toughest day in Epic history. What an achievement! Well done! Glad to hear you had a better day today. Will be thinking of you guys tomorrow. Hope the weather is kind to you.

  2. Keep going Dave- I am suffering from being 35 weeks preggers and everything is a massive effort- only your day sounds tougher- at least I am not campig at night!!
