Simply cruel...

Well, the weather did not play into my favour over the weekend with loads of messy snow and icy rain falling for most of the weekend. All of this combined, left me feeling like a caged rabbit for the whole weekend. It is quite sad when you spend your whole week in sunny (albeit freezing) weather conditions plotting your weekend riding conquests only to be foiled by the weather gods... well I suppose that is out of my control.

I have added a couple of 10km runs on the horizon to force me into some cross training - I am a firm believer that I will come out of it stronger! Although not a born runner, I feel that a 10km target will be a sufficient goal to spring my legs into some cross training action! The other benefit of getting into the habit of running is it will be a great substitute for me when I am on the road for work and cannot have my bike at hand.

The other cruelty inflicted on me over the weekend was the introduction to my life of 'day light saving.' Now, although this was not something that we were familiar with living in South Africa it was always something that I was aware of working for a multinational company - and the fact that for a period of the year, you always seem to be an hour early for meetings! However, living through my first daylight saving shift I have realised that it is the evil invention of someone who clearly sleeps-in. Just as I was getting excited by the dapple colours on my morning commute. Wham! - just like that they are gone and my morning darkness commute continues. I simply do not understand why it had to happen now, before enough daylight had entered into our day - could the mathematicians and scientists not have made it a couple of weeks later when the sun rises at a respectable hour?

Anyway, what it does mean that my ride home in the evening will be bathed in light! I need to start getting my head around riding into work a couple of times a week and building up some base level fitness - my mind needs it, not to mention my body!  

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