


Far to often in life we get caught up with society and life and don't take the time to appreciate or recognize how lucky we are to have what we have. Often I spend the time on my bike reflecting how lucky I am...

To have my health - to really understand that at my age I have the ability to get on a bike, ride all day and then do the same thing the very next day.  Few people have the level of health and fitness to be able to do this and for this I am truly grateful.

To have the means - to be able to take time off my job to pursue my passion with a company that truly supports me and understands the benefit of allowing me to do this. This is by no stretch of the imagination a cheap race and I am grateful that my work affords me to do it.

To have the support - I often battle with the guilt of being away from my family when I am out on my bike. As much as I would prefer to be with my family, knowing that I have their support in these crazy dreams does power me through my darkest times. I have been married today for 14 years to someone who has stuck by me through good times and bad and for this I am eternally grateful.

And as I begin on the most exciting and toughest journey of my life, I  need to keep reminding myself that I need to be grateful for all that I have that is allowing me to spend three weeks on my bike doing what I love.

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