Fall Riding in Canada...

As winter quickly approaches here in Canada there is a small window of spectacular riding, which unless you have experienced, it is really hard to explain. The colors experienced on the trails as the trees start to transition getting ready for winter. I thought I take a short outing to try and capture some shots to hopefully share just how beautiful the trails can be.
The window of color only lasts a couple of weeks and is probably my favorite time of year to be on the trails. The amount of fallen leaves on the trail can add another level of difficulty as it covers hidden objects, such as roots and rocks! But the cooler conditions and palate of color are hard to beat.

Tunnel of color
Creek sun shining through

Pano shot showing shades of Fall
 All of the beauty must have taken my eye off the trail as I took as nasty tumble and managed to seriously bruise my ribs making things a bit difficult - so will have to take a rest off the bike for a few days.

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